Changes to opening hours
Despite the time of year when normally we would be celebrating together at Beckenham Sports Club we find ourselves in Tier 3 of the COVID restrictions and are hamstrung in terms of what social events we can offer to our Members. The good news is that sport is still available under the current restriction, subject to the limitations that are indicated on the sport organising bodies web pages listed below.
As a result of the limitations the Club we will be closing at 1630hrs on Christmas Eve (Thursday, 24th December) and will not reopen until Monday 28th December when the hours detailed below will come into force. The Club will also be closed on Friday, 1st January.
Note that before 1130hrs (weekdays) no toilet facilities will be available. And it remains the case that the changing rooms and showers must remain closed to all Members.
The Pavilion will be open between the following hours (no bar or food facility will be available) -
Weekdays - 1130hrs – 2030hrs
Saturday - 1100hrs – 2030hrs
Sunday - 1000hrs – 1930hrs
Social interaction restrictions can be found here
Squash restrictions in Tier 3
Tennis restrictions in Tier 3